Monday, June 4, 2012


Cardamom or elaichi is a widely used spice in Punjabi cooking. Punjabi garam masala that lends its flavour to a lot of Punjabi dishes has cardamom as one of its main ingredients. Cardamom is very versatile and used to flavour most mithais, halwas, sweets and even tea. Lassi is the most flavoured drink of Punjabis. Made with beaten curds and some milk, lassi can be had at any time during the day. A tall steel glass of thick and creamy lassi coupled with a steaming hot Paratha makes a sumptuous breakfast or lunch. Practically any flavoring can be added to a lassi be it fruits or spices. Cardamom powder is often added to lassi providing it with a distinct taste. Easy to make and very very delicious this lassi can be served garnished with some cardamom powder and chopped dry fruits.

Ingredients (to make 4 glasses)

2 cups curds  , made from full fat milk
1 cup full fat milk
8 tsp powdered sugar.
2 tsp cardamom
4 to 5 ice cubesto serve
1.     Combine all the ingredients except the ice-cubes and blend in a mixer for 2-3 minutes.
2.     Pour into 4 individual glasses and serve immediately.

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